Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A walk in my shoes....

Evening all,

Some people say what they love about blog is my honesty....the beautiful Lisa from Monaco Cupcakes (@monacocupcakes) told me she loves it because she recognizes so much of herself in it as a small business owner...she told me that I express how a lot of SME business owners feel but wouldn't say aloud....on Twitter she promotes my blogs with the hashtag "#walkinmyshoes ".....that's quite a compliment in my shoes........

 Since I started writing in March the blog has reflected my own state of mind...I've noticed that some people who read at the beginning & identified with my anxiety & applauded my honesty seem to withdraw when the blogs become more positive....I've had some senior people, gainfully employed say that they too identified with much of it especially when the going got tough....I think my siblings now know me in a way they didn't before...

I hope the blog has made you smile, I hope if like Lisa  & you are a small business owner, it made you feel that you are not alone.I also hope that like me you had some real highs during the year.....well done to all of us who have kept the pulse of small business beating, with our energy, our tenacity, our creativity....

Next year is shaping up to being a good year, there is a good vibe out there on the ground.....I intend to achieve great things for The Delicious Food Co.....

Just don't expect to see any of us til the start of Jan 2014, we will all be recharging our batteries, lying low....

"Will you have a Baileys with your breakfast love....?"

Ooooooh yes please !

Merry Christmas

Shirley x

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Chilli con Carne....Mr Delicious Style....

Evening All

This time two weeks it will be Christmas Eve, my house will be full of our close friend from college & their kids, who will pop in for a festive drink & a bowl of Mr Delicious' famous Chilli con Carne. The chilli thing started as a joke when we first started this festive gig many years ago, as chilli  was the food offering at every party we ever had from the student years....until....well until 4EVR.

 However just like our friends kids, who used to drink juice, but now drink wine & beer....the chilli has all grown up.....
Now its diced beef, marinated for days...with cinamon, chillis, brown sugar & very dark chocolate....each grain of rice is hand picked by Mr Delicious to see if it makes the grade for this special gathering.Without a doubt those few hours on Christmas Eve are my favourite time of the year, every year.

On one level I'm winding down for Christmas, my head is..thinking presents for the kids, getting the house ready....I have grand ideas about having it all painted by Christmas, I even sanded down the bathroom door on my way to bed last night you do..
....prep, prep, prep....

On the other hand, my head is in overdrive planning for next year & The Delicious Food Co.When we re branded the company last year there was a three year the end of the three years there would be a big payoff....I'm not quite sure if we are in year one of two at the moment.....Did year one start when we first went on sale in shops which was March 2012 or did it start when we first took delivery for our fab & funky labels last December.....

One of the great things about being the boss is that I get to call the shots and so, whilst some might suggest it's kinda cooking the books, I've decided to officially declare that on 31 December 2013 The Delicious Food Co will celebrate it's first full years trading & as we pop those champagne corks on New Years Eve, it will be with some relief that I kiss goodbye to 2013....& rock on in to 2014.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Free falling towards Christmas & 2014

Evening All,

The last week in November was a tough one in many, many ways....but once 1st December kicks in & Xmas FM  starts broadcasting, deliciously, from the radio, there is only one thing on my mind & that is the last day for deliveries before  to Christmas and the break until we are back on 1st January...

Over the past few years, there have been some great  years & some  incredibly tough's ironic that this year despite being our most successful so's been one of the toughest.We have all worked our butts off....& now we are spent  & tired...our batteries are empty..... We have produced, labelled & delivered over 65,000 Delicious Food Co salads & sandwiches & another 40,000 for clients under their own brand. We have catered for over 2,000 diners @ corporate lunches in different locations.... god knows how many sandwich platters we've made & delivered...all done by just four of us from a 500sq ft kitchen & a small Ford van.

I'm proud as punch.

My head has been all over the place this year as I've had to deal with stuff I never signed up for...
The move from my lovely office to home has not resulted in a more chilled me, the yoga thing never quite took off & as for munching on raw carrots & jogging down the canal between closing deals...maybe next year.

The next three weeks will be dominated by whether clients pay us or overdue payment from a significant client may or may not come in ....they can't confirm...emails are not been answered...that leaves me in the same position with my suppliers...if the money owed to me is paid ...happy days...for us & our suppliers... if not...well let's not go there ..yet....I want everybody  paid before Christmas...& I'm going to to make it happen....

My brother called me yesterday, he reads endless "self help" books and has a deeply philosophical view on life, as well as an amazing house, a big job  a beautiful wife & four fab kids.... (ya see they do work....those books)
He suggested that "we"......meaning me of course, get into a different head space for next year, to celebrate the highs & focus on the positives, of which there have been so many for Mr Delicious & me.

So that's what I'm going to do...I'm going to stand on the diving board, side by side with Tom Daley, remove the demons from inside my head....and dive head first,  flawlessly, splendidly into 2014 ...


Shirley x