Thursday, January 29, 2015

50 Shades of Delicious (Part 2)

Evening All,

Wow what a January it's been !!

At the end of last year I flicked thru' all  my blogs & thought to myself  "you're like a bleedin' stuck record... "...ground hog day and all that... Recording one's life for all to read is fine...but seeing the lack of progress for myself was unsettling.

But of course that is partly because I am my own harshest critic.We achieved great things last year, but enough just never seems to be enough. The absence of any public profile for The Delicious Food Co makes me feel like I've personally failed it, as newbie, after newbie pop up in every magazine supplement, glowing reviews of products & owners...beaming at the camera with a plate of product accompanied with the  story of their rags to foodie richness journey.

I don't think I've ever told you that a big love of mine is theatre,  productions  in small venues. I have seen the most wonderful plays in tiny venues, plays that are so good their power  will never leave me, "Lippy""I heart Alice heart I" "Care""Out of Wedlock","The Author" "Creepy Jimmy" "The Oh Fuck Moment" "Smile of your Face" the list goes on; small productions in small venues, gone before they get the recognition they deserve.Maybe I love them because they are like me; no big promo budget, no clever PR machine,just great story tellers making magic theatre quietly yet so deserving of bigger audiences & wider public acclaim.

it was with great delight that last week I accepted a challenge from the doyenne of Irish theatre The Abbey Theatre to run a pop up shop Delicious Food Company shop at the theatre for delegates at a two day  Theatre of War Symposium.There I rediscovered my inner  Delicious Food Company's greatness.The feedback I got about our food was superlative,

 one positive comment after another...

So with this renewed confidence, my head is in just the right place to make this The Delicious Food Co's tenth year in business, the overnight success it has always meant to be. To create that public profile our food deserves, for us to be beaming at you from the Sunday Times, our Orzo & Roasted Carrot salad in hand. In the week that 50 Shades of Grey hits the big screen
Forget Christian Grey & Anna Steele
for this is me & Mr Delicious time.

Shirley x

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bless Me Father.. I continue to sin...(I'm still a social media cripple) Part 2

Evening All,

More  than a year after writing one of my fav blogs on being a social media cripple...of swearing that all was about to change...that I would get my website up & running...that my twitter feed would become more foodie, my Facebook page the go to place for witty commentary on life, catering, recipes, advice & random stuff I pick up along the way ..I am still that same social media cripple. I have even come to consider it as some kind of website phobia ...a fear of something that has no basis in   logic.

I did try in Jan 2014 and top of the brief was...PLEASE MAKE ME DO IT...I paid more upfront than was required & off we went. I disappeared for a bit, but I went back, made myself sit with the designer, signed off on the template & begged him to keep on my case until it was finished. He clearly didn't get the message/was too busy with other clients/ life or maybe he just didn't like me...

not a whisper did I hear from him, again...

I have now met the man to get this over the Australian called Brad who lives down under and has steadfastly made it his mission to  get my website up & running. Brad thinks nothing of calling me ten times per day...and has done for almost two months now, I cannot escape him and now I'm hooked. Brad with his endless patience & infinite politeness
has made me confront my fear.

I swear that when you next hear from me I will be sporting my latest fashion accessory...

the link to my new website 

Hail Brad !



Part 1

Sunday, January 4, 2015

What's another year !

Evening All,

Tomorrow Monday the 5th of January is the date a lot of us return to work for the first time since before Christmas & I have to say the break has been just lovely.Skipping the rhythm of normal life, sleeping late, catching up with family & friends for mid afternoon drinks in town, going to parties 
( dressed in my first ever on line purchase...a  little sequin number I ordered pre Xmas from ASOS, that has already paid for itself in admiring glances & feel good vibes....)

Generally the New Year comes with new resolutions, but to be honest, I'm not one for new resolutions.I've broken enough of them in my time to know that my energy is better directed elsewhere. Like everyone else I know what I need to change & what I need to do & it's all in there in my head ready for action. Maybe those thoughts are resolutions in themselves.

However today I have  done something a little differently. For  first the first time in years I have bought a proper work diary, where I can write up my "to do"lists day by day, write in my orders, my appointments, my quotes. One big solid book of empty white pages waiting to be filled with how my work life will unfold in the next 12 months. Just looking at it this evening on the coffee table excites me, the possibilities that await it's blank pages, the successes, the drama. I cannot wait to start filling it...seeing how the story unfolds

This year we celebrate our 10th year of The Delicious Food Co. Ten years since we first rented a commercial kitchen in Smithfield with just one client & started a whole new adventure in the food business. Now ain't that something to celebrate.

To each & everyone of you I wish you a very happy, successful & healthy new year.

It's 2015 bring it on !

Shirley x